#4 Cost Savings Opportunity - City Staffing
Background: While staffing is largely within the purview of the City Manager, he/she is constrained by decisions Council makes related to the addition of FTEs, salaries, etc. Take into account some of the following premises and considerations in answering a series of questions about City Staffing that follow.
In many cases, hiring more qualified people, or more FTEs in certain roles, can add directly to the revenue stream, e.g. code enforcement, procurement and grant writing personnel.
In other cases, hiring people who may be viewed as “overqualified” for the specific position may pay other dividends. If truly talented, they can absorb work requiring a higher level of competence in addition to handling routine tasks that are also needed, and these individuals often identify cost savings opportunities thus partially “paying” for themselves.
This could appear to residents as title inflation and overcompensation, and residents also cite pension obligations as a concern even though new employees that are not currently part of PEPRA (i.e. new hires from the private sector) are not adding significant pension debt.
Another consideration is that over the past 10 years there has been unusually significant turnover among City employees (not a good thing) coupled with hiring challenges resulting from a currently robust job market and the view that longer commutes makes PVE a less desirable work location.
One solution that has been offered is to outsource many of the City’s operations (thus alleviating management headaches), especially those that can be done remotely, such as accounting, payroll, IT, procurement, etc.
Question: What is your view of:
a) a hiring policy for the City?
b) the latitude Council should accord the City Manager in running his/her organization?
c) how to ensure the City’s ability to attract talented personnel who will be committed, long term to their employment with PVE?
d) how the City Council, without intruding on the City Manager’s prerogative, can foster a spirit of teamwork and positive morale?
e) outsourcing certain City support functions?