If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself
— Henry Ford

1: Regarding Important PVE issues:

Background: PVE government is experiencing numerous important issues.


  1. In your opinion, what are the top three issues facing the city in order of priority?

  2. On a scale of 1 – 10, with 10 being the best, how would you rate the city’s performance in dealing with each of those issues?

  3. As a member of the City Council, what would you do to increase your rating by at least 1 level? (i.e.,actions you would take to move a “4” to a “5”, etc.)



Derek Lazzaro

”PVE Police and Measure E Replacement
Various city leaders and engaged citizens disagree about how much funding is needed to keep the local PVE Police Department. However, simply looking at public budget documents shows that the Measure E replacement must increase by at least 3 million dollars to balance the budget.

As a member of the City Council, I would give residents a realistic, accurate, one-page summary of how much money is needed, and then I would work hard to advocate for the passage of a reasonable Measure E replacement.

City Hall Staffing and Over-Reliance on Contractors
The retention of City Hall staff has been a major challenge over the past 6 years. I believe this is due to 1) long commutes 2) micromanagement 3) relatively low pay compared to other cities 4) leadership instability after several City Managers were fired or resigned.

As a member of City Council, I would support hiring an Assistant City Manager to handle many of the day-to-day issues. This would free the City Manager to be a strategic thinker, focused on long-term solutions, balancing the budget, negotiating contracts, and hiring and retaining quality staff.

I would also advocate for a policy ending the current practice of contractors negotiating city contracts on behalf of the city. Only city employees or city attorneys should negotiate on behalf of our city!

Customer Service to Residents
Customer Service at City Hall has suffered in recent years due to the departure of many long-time staff members. As a member of the Planning Commission for 8 years, I believe I am currently the longest serving city official in any role – and I have watched the city’s institutional knowledge fade over the last several years.

As a member of City Council, I would advocate for a strong culture of customer service – the city should be here to serve residents! I would work with other Council members and the City Manager to ensure this is a key component of staff recruitment and training. “

Desiree “Dez” Myers

”1. Financial Instability
We are spending more money than we receive. Funds need to be redirected to residents’ priorities.
2. Loss of Local Land Control
• I informed Council the city forgot to rezone for the Housing Element and needed to get that done ASAP because we are now subject to Builder’s Remedy until next year, when it could have been done last Spring.
• I advocated to the Council to create Objective Standards (as permitted by density laws) and require density developers mitigate the safety risks they introduce.
3. Division and Lack of Trust - caused by politicization of the facts
• PENSION DEBT: Council claimed they solved the escalating pension debt by passing a policy. Yet, debt has increased 30% since and continues to climb.
• MEASURE E: In 2018, residents were told Measure E would save the police. Council stated in 2024 they need to triple Measure E.
• BUDGET DEFICITS: Four years ago, the City forecasted deficits. This year Council approved a $2.5 million deficit. We had four years to implement solutions. Action needs to be taken.
• BETTER FISCAL MANAGEMENT: City funds were spent on low-value projects (Roundabout, tree inventory, new City Hall buildings, rezoning La Venta, etc.), rather than important projects like fixing City Hall.
• RESIDENT ENGAGEMENT: In 2021, Council received a petition signed by 200 residents requesting all costs be included in the budget and balance the budget. Council ignored the petition.

Residents need to be treated as trusted partners and provide critical facts”

Craig Quinn

”The top three issues facing Palos Verdes Estates are;

1) Addressing Projected Cash deficit over the next several years which only will increase once Measure E expires.
2) Prioritizing local control of our Local Police and Zoning due to the unfunded high Density Housing mandates from Sacramento
3) Ability to hire and maintain best in class City personnel at all levels. This is critical so our residents receive improved services and accurate financial tools to budget for the short and longer term.”

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