Public Support for the Police Versus Concern for its Costs
Background: It is clear from the fact that nearly 70% of voters were in favor of Measure E, as well as from the preponderance of comments received in response to the recently conducted PVrrg survey, that our Police Department enjoys widespread support among residents. It is also a fact that police costs represent the most significant portion of the City’s budget, and even Measure E does not cover the full cost.
Many voters assumed Measure E’s $5 million tax was sufficient to fully fund the PVE Police Department (PVEPD). Yet the budgeted cost of the PVEPD for the current fiscal year is just over $7 million.
The City Council has formed a Police Department Ad Hoc Committee to address the issue of police costs. Interim Chief of Police Dreiling is heading up efforts to find solutions.
Question: From your point of view, what is the best way to resolve this apparent conflict between public support and cost concerns? What ideas do you have for addressing the police cost issue? Do you see this as an important issue? What steps are you willing to advocate for to solve this long-term financial concern?