Background: In May 2012, City Council unanimously approved a transaction led by the City Attorney wherein the City transferred 1.7 acres of parkland on Via Panorama to the PVHA who immediately sold for $500,000 that parkland to a private resident who had built encroachments on that parkland over a period of 35 years. In 2013 Citizens for Enforcement of Parkland Covenants (CEPC) sued to reverse that sale, and in 2015 a Judgement was rendered in Superior Court in favor of CEPC. In November 2015 the City Council unanimously decided to appeal that decision, and in January 2018 the Appellate Court confirmed the Superior Court conclusions against the PVHA but remanded the case back to the Superior Court to prove that the City knew the PVHA was going to sell the parkland to a private resident at the time the City transferred it to the PVHA. For more info on this matter, see
Question: If you had been on the City Council in 2012, would you have voted for or against the sale of parkland? If you had been on the City Council in 2015, would you have voted for or against appeal the Superior Court Judgment on the CEPC Parkland case? Please explain your answers to both questions.