“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself”
Approval Process for Building and Tree Disputes
Background: Since 1940 when the City of PVE was formed, there is perennial confusion and dissatisfaction because of the cumbersome process of approving building and vegetation changes that need to be approved by both the PVHA’s Art Jury as well as the City of PVE’s Planning Commission and City Council. Residents have asked for greater cooperation, transparency and streamlining for the process.
Question: What would you do to improve the process of approvals?
Michael Kemps
”Confusion and dissatisfaction continue to grow. Neighbors are angry. Brazen attempts at maximizing square footage and lot coverage are utilized early as negotiating power, rather than designing appropriate-sized homes for the lot shape, size, and configuration. I would seek the following changes:
a. Reevaluate the NCO, appropriately tightening standards where required.
b. Implement a mandatory meeting between neighbors prior to the submission of architectural plans for projects requiring commission review. If the project is impacted by NCO, a second meeting involving the client and architect, presenting plans to neighbors should be also required.
c. Improve collaboration between the Art Jury and Planning Commission during the early stages of review. This will provide the applicant and architect with preliminary guidance and feedback. Where view, height and massing issues exist, a mediator may be required.
d. Encourage the Council to utilize its elected power to review and either approve or deny projects on appeal from the Commission, to avoid providing applicants with a “second bite of the apple.”””
Jennifer King
“JENNIFER KING (incumbent)
”Our neighborhood compatibility process serves to maintain neighborhood character and our Art Jury serves to maintain architectural integrity. The Planning Commission and the City Council continue to utilize the neighborhood compatibility process to balance the rights of residents to ensure measured development. Though on occasion the interests of neighbors conflict, the vast majority of projects are able to use both processes efficiently and effectively. Nonetheless, I believe it is important for the City Council and the PVHA to continue to explore means to clarify and streamline the dual processes for the benefit of our residents.””
Victoria Lozzi
”I agree that this is very frustrating for our residents. I believe the City Council needs to be more proactive with issuing clear guidelines to both the Planning Commission and the Parklands Committee (and all commissions/committees), as well as to staff, that reflect the wishes of the residents. In addition, the City Council needs to establish a more collaborative relationship with the PVHA/Art Jury so that both the City and the PVHA are working with the best interests of the City and its residents in mind. I recently attended a joint meeting between the City Council and the Planning Commission that I thought was a productive exchange of ideas to address this very issue. I think the next step must be to include the PVHA in the conversation so that all parties are on the same page and working together.””
Kevin McCarthy
”The Council should ensure all City processes are streamlined with the goal of efficiency and transparency and ensuring there is a clear understanding of the process. With that in mind and with the support of my colleagues, I would ask for a report on the issues from staff to include recommendations from both the PVHA’s Art Jury and PVE’s Planning Commission. Upon getting a greater understanding of the issues and concerns, provide direction to staff on how to proceed.””
David McGowan
”I am not currently briefed on the situation and until I completely understand the issues I have no opinions. If elected it will become my responsibility to study the relevant information prior to forming any opinions.””
Betty Lin Peterson
”Both the Neighborhood Compatibility Ordinance and the Tree Management Policy need to be updated to reflect lessons learned. Some of the ideas to consider are more robust neighborhood meet and confer process, early staff involvement, clear direction if planning department first or art jury first, using a mediator before an appeal is filed, additional building data to be included in staff reports, mandatory tree removals to realize the true impact of the new building on neighbors, updated designated street tree list, updated petition procedure to have a tree removed, City tree vs private tree rules, and the list can go on. Use past cases as learning tools to improve both planning process and tree disputes. Have regular joint meetings between the City Council and the Planning Commission as well as the City Council and the Parklands Committee to discuss potential improvements.””