“Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education”
This page summarizes the key takeaways from Palos Verdes Estates City Council Meetings. If you’d like to be notified when new minutes are posted, please sign up to our mailing list, click here
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July 28, 2020 PVE City Council Meeting - by Teleconference
For the Agenda with links to document – click here
For Video of the session – click here
For the Official minutes of the meeting -- click here
All present
Approved 5-0
click here for Video @01:18
Mayor McGowan stated that in spite of internet connection problems at city hall this day, the Zoom meeting would go forward and apologized if any public members had been unable to communicate ahead of time for this meeting. He announced the departure of City Planner Maddie Bright and expressed appreciation for outgoing Commission and Committee members.
click here for Video @4:33
ITEMS # 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 were approved. Councilmember Lozzi pulled for discussion item #5 related to the Parklands Committee recommendations for the PVE Foundation sponsored City Hall Median project; Mayor McGowan recused himself from this item due to a potential conflict of interest related to his role on the Foundation Board and passed the lead to Mayor Pro Tem Kemps for discussion of those items.
Councilmember Lozzi stated she feels the order of these committee recommendations is backwards because Parklands is addressing the City Hall Median landscaping project before finalizing its own general landscaping standard. She also took exception to their approval to begin preparing the median site by killing the grass even though they had not given final sign-off on the landscaping plan and had asked the Foundation to come back in September with a revised landscape plan.
Public comment:
Virginia Butler and Karen Logan: spoke in favor of the City Hall Median project (represented the Foundation)
Jim Roos: spoke in favor of the City Hall Median project
Additional City Council Discussion:
Councilmember Lozzi reminded Council about the potential traffic circle project that could cause all of this to be ripped out. Councilmembers Kao, Davidson and Mayor Pro Tem Kemps spoke in favor of the project and the vote was called.
VOTE: Approved 3-1 Councilmember Lozzi dissented
Mayor McGowan then returned for voting on remaining Consent Items.
VOTE: Approved (5-0)
click here for Video @24:33
The following residents addressed the City Council:
• Tom Beechler congratulated the new City Manager and City clerk. He expressed concern about the possibility of property taxes going up because revenues have not kept up with the cost of running the city. Also stated that residents want evenly administered rules or we’re in danger of not being democratic.
• Reagan Grey new resident of PVE (long time native of RPV) addressed concern about lack of mask wearing, especially at Malaga Cove Plaza and asked if the City Council has considered having a mask policy.
• Dez Meyers was unavailable when called on but spoke later in the meeting. She stated the agenda excludes transparency and pension issues and asked why the City doesn’t make documents available on-line and searchable like Redondo Beach.
#9: NC-1660-19, G-1632-19, & M-1354-19; Appeal of June 16, 2020 Planning Commission Approval of PCR-2019-1154; Neighborhood Compatibility, Grading, and Miscellaneous Applications for a New Single Family Residence Located at 2321 Via Acalones (Lot 20, Block 1638, Tract 7330)
click here for Video @31:56
Abbreviated Meeting Report:
This is a very abbreviated report for an extremely lengthy agenda item lasting approximately 3 hours. For anyone interested in the details, the staff report is available with the meeting agenda and the video is available for all discussions starting at 31:56 and ending at 3:32:25. The minutes of this meeting list the names of parties making public comment.
Council Discussion:
Following discussion by Councilmembers a motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Kemps to deny the appeal, seconded by Councilmember Davidson and the vote was taken.
VOTE: Denied (5-0)
10. Introduction on First Reading of Ordinance No. 020-746 Revising Chapter 8.28 (Noise) of Title 8 (Health and Safety of the Palos Verdes Estates Municipal Code
click here for Video @3:35:36
Staff has identified an inconsistency in the Palos Verdes Estates Municipal Code (PVEMC) having to do with noise regulation related to City concessions. Tee times for the PVE Golf Course begin at 7am and as currently written, the PVEMC precludes maintenance such as leaf blowers prior to the tee times. Staff proposes an ordinance that adds the City’s concessions to the list of exemptions (see staff report).
No staff discussion. Councilmember Kao moved to accept the proposed change and Councilmember Davidson seconded.
Vote: Approved (5-0)
11. Discussion on Local Regulation of Accessory Dwelling Units — click here for Video @3:39:50
Staff provided a report detailing the current issues and status of PVE’s response to State Requirements. Staff is asking for the council to provide direction for the staff to return with a first reading of a regular ordinance in compliance with State regulation on accessory dwelling units.
By way of background, existing city provisions for Second Dwelling Units are null & void until City adopts a final regular Accessory Dwelling Unit Ordinance (ADUO). In April 2020, the City Council adopted an Urgency Ordinance (temporary) which remains in effect until a new regular ADUO is adopted by the City or by the State deadline of April 13, 2021, whichever comes first. The current ADU Application Process was reviewed, which shows that if a resident were to apply for an ADU, there are three City departments that would be involved in approving the application, i.e. Planning, Building and Public Works. The Staff Report reviewed the Planning review process and indicated differences from prior ordinance and what’s been adopted by other cities.
There were no public comments. Marlene Breene had submitted a letter.
Council discussion:
Councilmember Kao concluded from review that the City is not categorically denying anyone the right to an ADU but that it’s a matter of ministerial review. He believes this should all be reviewed again in a joint City Council/Planning Commission meeting before giving staff direction.
Mayor Pro Tem Kemps agreed with the joint meeting but indicated he’s most worried about fire criteria and believes it’s important to collaborate with the fire department to ensure regulations are in the best interest of our residents. He expressed concern about fire risk in PVE with the large number of eucalyptus trees on our Parkland and stated we need to preserve our rights under the ADU requirements to ensure fire protection.
No comments from Councilmember Davidson. Both Councilmember Lozzi and Mayor McGowan agree with holding a workshop meeting and Mayor McGowan directed staff to set that up.
No old business in this meeting
#12: Discussion of adoption of Resolution R20-27 re Amendment of MOU between City of PVE and PVEPO Association (Side Letter Agreement)
click here for Video @4:02:47
STAFF REPORT: City Manager Laura Guglielmo reviewed the amendment to the existing MOU to change the expiration date from Jan 22, 2020 to June 30, 2021 consistent with direction given to City Negotiators by City Council on July 14.
Public Comment:
Desiree Myers: stated this is an unwarranted extension without enough discussion in light of the financial impact of pay increases neither divulged nor budgeted.
Virginia Butler and Karen Logan: both spoke in favor of approving this agreement extension as a vote of confidence for the police staff.
Council discussion:
Councilmember Davidson stated he’s in favor of supporting our police and cited reasons he’s not in favor of considering a bid from Los Angeles Sheriffs Department (LASD).
Mayor Pro Tem Kemps asked City Manager Guglielmo to clarify and confirm that there is no extra money in this extension and specifically asked about COLA’s and step increases.
She replied there’s no additional base pay increase, but individual pay may change based on regular service-related progression. Later in the discussion she further clarified that there were step increases for 5, 10 and 15 year anniversaries and a potential merit increase at 20 years affecting, from a cost standpoint, only the few officers who meet these milestones during the period of the extension.
Then Mayor Pro Tem Kemps reiterated the following arguments for not extending the MOU to next June but rather continuing only to the end of this calendar year: 1) while an ardent supporter of our Police Department, he’s focused on finding financial solutions to save our city, citing specifically the pension debt; 2) there’s a pension ad hoc report coming soon that should be studied; and 3) they should wait for the police ad hoc report being prepared by Interim Chief Dreilling for presentation by November.
Councilmember Lozzi brought up some nomenclature differences from the prior MOU discussion, i.e. she pointed out that step increases actually occur every year while there are merit increases after 5, 10, 15 and 20 years. She also stated her concern about the increases not being in the budget and that she would be more comfortable extending to the end of the calendar year to line up with Interim Chief Dreiling’s recommendations.
Councilmember Kao indicated he believes they should approve the recommended extension because it aligns with the fiscal year and can be budgeted as such.
Mayor McGowan stated he supports extending to the fiscal year end (June 30, 2021) aligned with what they instructed their negotiator to present to the POA.
Councilmember Davidson moved to approve staff recommendations extending the agreement and Councilmember Kao seconded.
VOTE: Approved (4-1) Kemps voted no stating he wants to see Interim Chief Dreiling’s police recommendations first.
13. Accept and Approve the Appointment of the Members of various Committees and Commissions as well as the Mayor’s Appointment of Committee and Commission Chairpersons and Vice Chairpersons click here for Video @4:39:29
Mayor McGowan named the various appointments (see staff report for details).
Councilmember Davidson moved to approve and Mayor Pro Tem Kemps seconded
VOTE: Approved (5-0)
click here for Video @4:43:13
City Manager Guglielmo: Reported an offer made to a candidate for Finance Director
Interim Chief Dreiling: No report
Council Member Lozzi: No report
Council Member Davidson: Would like future agenda discussion of term limits. Also supports Mirlo Gate Tower beautification which will cost very little because of city volunteers. Gave shout out to Corporal Belda for being the hero of week on TV for saving a citizen from a burning car, suffering burns himself.
Council Member Kao: Last week he and Mayor McGowan held a task force meeting with PV Tennis Club to see what synergies may exist between golf club, tennis club and the City. They introduced notion of a “campus” and doing a top down look at operations and efficiencies. (Mayor McGowan added discussion about what other amenities could be added to the campus for incremental sources of revenue, e.g. pickle ball, workout area, expanded banquet, etc.) He also wants to continue to discuss appeals to City Council and what standards of review should apply.
Mayor Pro Tem Kemps: 1. Gave shout out to Brianna for all her work on large number of detailed staff reports. 2. Expressed the need to look at transparency issues and the need to review ways to get their administrative house in order.
Mayor McGowan: Reinforced shout out to Brianna and also to City Manager Guglielmo.
ADJOURNMENT TO TUESDAY, September 8, 2020 AT 6:30 P.M.
click here for Video @4:51:28