“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself”
Financial Planning and Transparency
Background: The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) is an audited financial statement prepared by an independent third party submitted to and approved by the City Council. It includes a Transmittal letter prepared by the city manager. Each transmittal letter from 2015, 2016, and 2017 has included language expressing the importance and critical nature of Long-term Financial Planning. Rigorous Long- term financial planning is necessary to deal with infrastructure requirements, changes in the law , and changes in the financial environment.
Question: Do you believe long-term financial planning should be a priority? As there is no evidence of a current long term plan or fund analysis, do you believe that it should be scheduled and communicated to the community?
Michael Kemps
”Long-term Financial Planning is critical, in conjunction with a short-term spending freeze, to plan for infrastructure requirements and changes in the financial environment. With immediate and short-term spending under control, the Financial Advisory Committee (FAC), Investment Advisory Committee (IAC) and City Treasurer will be in a stronger combined position to cast longer-term projections and adjustments in response to changing conditions. Preparation of a long-term plan updated at minimum twice annually shall be required. These semi-annual updates must be shared with the community, as a means of ensuring trust and financial security.””
Jennifer King
“JENNIFER KING (incumbent)
”The City Council, with the assistance of the newly-appointed Finance Advisory Committee, is engaged in long-term fiscal planning. I strongly support the City Council’s efforts to engage in responsible long-term planning that takes into account the desires and expectations of all our residents as well as our limited sources of revenue. Long-term planning will help to ensure our City’s fiscal sustainability.””
Victoria Lozzi
”I believe that the development of a long-term financial plan is critical for the City. Funds provided by Measure E plug a hole in the budget, but do not address the long-term issues facing the City such as dealing with our sizeable unfunded pension liability, understanding and addressing our infrastructure and other capital needs, doing an inventory of the equipment the City owns and understanding if the existing Equipment Replacement Fund is over, under or appropriately funded, etc. There will undoubtedly be trade-offs and choices to be made, so it will be very important for our residents to be informed of the issues and possible solutions so they can weigh in.””
Kevin McCarthy
”I believe long-term financial and strategic planning is a must for any City to determine viability and sustainability. As a new Council Person, I would solicit support from my colleagues to direct staff to work with the City Treasurer and the Financial Committee to develop a long-term financial plan with annual updates. This, as with all issues of concern to residents, should be scheduled to be heard at a Council Meeting.””
David McGowan
”Yes, financial planning is a high priority need of the City. That is why I volunteered for and was appointed to the Financial Advisory Committee (FAC).
The first requirement is a detailed analysis and understanding of the City’s current financial position including revenue and expenditure expectations, current and projected pension obligations, prioritized capital needs/requirements as well as, conceivable risk areas. These elements need to be reviewed concurrently to properly understand the prioritization and competing alternatives. The City Council needs to share this work product with the community and consider their inputs, as appropriate, in establishing sound fiscal policy.
The Financial Advisory Committee has initiated the building of a long-term planning model (up to 10 years) that should become the tool by which the City can test the financial sensitives associated with various options. The City Council will then be able to direct the staff to provide financial projections considering various alternatives. These staff projections will, in turn, provide guidance needed to prepare annual and biannual budgets.””
Betty Lin Peterson
”Having a 5 year financial plan should be a priority. Beyond 5 years would still be nice to have, especially for long term capital projects. I would like to see a robust 5 year financial plan included in our 2 year budget adoption discussions. Included in the 5 year financial planning, I would like to see long term capital project costs, projected pension costs and health care costs, maintenance schedules, government mandates, projected revenue, etc. Some of the long term plans were thwarted by the failure of Measure D. Admittedly, long term planning was difficult when our focus was to cut and postpone and come up with a replacement immediately. The City is constantly working on improving communications to the community in a timely, precise, and easy to understand manner. Thought the City Website has a wealth of information, we can always improve on its user-friendliness.””