7. Regarding Housing Elements
Background: In recent years, the State of California has declared a housing crisis in the State and passed several laws requiring cities to allow, among other things, ministerial approval of certain accessory dwelling units, single-family lot splits and fast-tracking multi-family housing with a percentage of low-income units. PVE and other cities have been required to develop multi-year Housing Element plans to facilitate the building of a state-allotted number of new and affordable residential units, including any necessary rezoning. The State has declared Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, such as those administered by the PV Homes Association, to be null and void if they conflict with such State mandates.
What is your position on such State housing mandates and the loss of local control over planning and zoning?
What actions do you think the City should take to comply with, oppose or change these laws? What actions do you believe would be most effective in addressing state housing mandates?