“Government of the people, by the people, and for the people”
2018 Malaga Cove Homeowners Poll
poll closed February 2017
In February 2017, the Malaga Cove Homes Association conducted a survey of its members to understand how they feel about local roadway safety issues. The majority of the survey respondents support the Roadway Safety Guiding Principles Platform authored by PVRSR. In a letter to the city, MCHA leadership wrote:
"...Indeed, as stated above, nearly two-thirds of our members who took our survey want MCHA to write a letter of support for the Platform. Hence, we are stating here that MCHA recommends that City leaders integrate the Platform’s principles, as well as the attached MCHA member feedback, into your efforts to improve roadway safety in PVE."
Read the letter and endorsement here.
The MCHA did a great job with the survey. It was detailed and obtained meaningful responses from their membership. Their summary:
"Here are a few of the survey’s key findings:
21% want our roadways to be more bike-friendly (58% disagree)
55% want our roadways to be more pedestrian-friendly (21% disagree)
36% want our roadways to be more motorist-friendly (25% disagree)
66% want the police to reconfigure their staffing to put more emphasis on ticketing motorists and cyclists who exceed the speed limit (19% disagree)
70% want the police to reconfigure their staffing to put more emphasis on ticketing
motorists and cyclists who run stop signs (19% disagree)
39% want cyclists re-directed to quieter side streets (36% disagree)
65% support the Roadway Safety Guiding Principles Platform (9% disagree)"
See details of the survey here, including instructive comments from individual respondents.
Here are links to other surveys/polls conducted:
2020 PVE Police Survey — click here
2020 PVE Issues and Priorities — click here
2018 Measure E — click here
2017 Measure D — click here
2017 PVHA Board Election — click here
2017 Malaga Cove Homeowners — click here