“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom”
Question: What changes would you advocate to improve communications between the Board and the homeowners?
Marlene Breene
“MARLENE BREENE (incumbent)
”We at PVHA are already updating the website (thanks Dick and Jim!) and have offered a voluntary sign up to members for notifications. Members have always been welcome to visit the counter, talk with Board Members, and to send letters and emails. I do feel that we should follow official communication channels such as the website, newsletter etc.. Carol Swets and I are working on the creation of a booklet about landscaping in PVE, and if successful, to be followed by and Architectural booklet as well. The booklet would also be posted online. Additionally there are several national Olmsted celebrations in the works for 2020, 2022, and 2023, which will give PVHA opportunity to reach out to our community with events and to connect with other Olmsted designed parks and cities to cross pollinate ideas and share problem solving techniques for the future.””
Gayne Brenneman
”All communications should be fast-tracked and prioritized so that all homeowners are kept updated and informed. Every method should be employed, including US mail, timely web-site postings, website email contact lists, tele-conferencing all meetings, and video-taping all meetings. Agenda’s to be published at least 2 weeks prior to any meeting. Emergency meetings should be a rare occurrence. Coordination with the PVE city should also be strengthened to synchronize renovation and building policies and procedures.””
W. Richard Fay
“DICK FAY (incumbent)
”We just approved a Communications Committee which I will head. I am seeking improved communication in ways there are not expensive and are also lasting. In the past improved communication efforts ended when the person responsible left the PVHA. We recently put in an email blast system. We are working on improving the web site. I am not a supporter of using social media to disseminate information.””
John Harbison
”I advocate multiple initiatives to improve communications with PVHA’s members. For example, I would accelerate the recently begun effort to collect member emails who would like to be kept abreast of developments at PVHA. This would be “opt-in”, but could include collecting permission to use email via website link, a check box on the office sign-in sheet, a place to write email address on the external envelope that comes with the election ballot, NextDoor announcements, asking the City of PVE for help promoting PVHA’s new email list to PVE’s eNotifications subscribers, etc. In addition, there should be posting in advance of Board meeting agendas both on the bulletin board at PVHA, website and emails to the list – all to improve engagement. I would implement periodic open forums where members could address the Board with their concerns. I also would use NextDoor to proactively reach out to our local community with announcements. Finally, I would work to improve the PVHA website, and include timely posting of documents of interest (such as historical audited financial statements, board minutes, passed and proposed resolutions, agenda of next meeting, etc.), and use the email list to notify members of new additions to the website.””
L Ried Schott
”The PVHA has failed to communicate with its members. To make improvements, the following should be considered.
• Establish and use an email list to supply information to members as they want to receive it. Member access to meeting agendas, minutes, Bylaws… should be available online.
• The website should be updated and improved to be easier to use and with important information on the home page. A member portal on the web site should be considered, similar to the PV Golf Club, for CC&R’s, ByLaws, all regulations, policies, forms, etc. However, some of this information that is not confidential could be provided from the main page and menu.
• The PVHA can better connect to its members by having a social media presence with Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, etc. Currently, the PVHA does not have any such accounts.
• The PVHA needs to provide orientations and information to new property owners, as well as existing owners that want to better understand the PVHA.
• There’s a great deal the PVHA has ignored, which now needs extraordinary effort to resolve. Establishing some committees, such as one on Communications and Digitizing Records, is another way to obtain more member participation and also improve the PVHA.
• The PVHA has apparently never taken a survey of its members to learn of their experience and satisfaction with the Art Jury or view restoration, or to obtain suggestions from the members. This should be done in a manner that allows members to do so anonymously.””
Charles Tang
“CHARLES TANG (incumbent)
”In order to improve communications between the Board and homeowners, I would establish a Communications Committee consisting of interested homeowners to recommend and help implement a more robust means to keep residents informed of current issues, potential solutions, meetings, activities, etc. This might possibly include more extensive use of the PVHA website, establishing a social media presence, creating a PVHA newsletter, hosting a Q&A bulletin board, and others..””