On February 11, 2019, the League of Women Voters of Palos Verdes Peninsula and San Pedro and the Palos Verdes Chamber of Commerce hosted the second Candidate Forum for the upcoming March 5th Palos Verdes Estates, CA City Council Election. All six (active) candidates participated in this two hour gathering in PVE City Council Chambers in front of a full-house. The questions were selected by the League and Chamber from ones submitted by the public in advance and on cards filled out by attendees at the event. This page contains the entire event, and the videos are broken up by question so you’ll find it easier to navigate to the question of most interest to you.
Immediately below is the Entire 2 Hour Forum if you’d like to view it continuously
the section below breaks up the Forum by questions so you can jump to the section of most interest to you
Introduction by Nancy Mohr (Voter Services Rep) and
Groundrules by Moderator (Linda Herman)
Opening Statements by Each Candidate
Question 1: Emergency Contingency Reserve
The City’s General Fund balance committed for emergency contingencies is established at $7.2 million. In your opinion, is this emergency reserve level too much, too little, or about right?
Question 2: Financial Advisory Committee Role & Support
What is your position regarding the role of the FAC [Financial Advisory Committee]? Do you feel the FAC is currently receiving appropriate support from the Council to carry out that role? If no, what changes would you advocate?
Question 3: Balanced Budget
Do you consider the PVE Annual Budget to be balanced when it annually underpays its CalPERS obligations and borrows additional funds from the City reserves?
Question 4: Where Grew Up
Did any of you grow up in Palos Verdes Estates and what does that mean to you?
Question 5: Risks to Growing up in PVE
I am an 8thGrader at PV Intermediate School. What are the biggest risks to me and my friends growing up in this community, and what will you do about it?
Question 6: Communication Through Social Media
Given the challenge of dialogues on social media sites, what is the best way Council should communicate their message?
Question 7: Code Enforcement
Some complain that PVE codes are not enforced in regards to landscaping, weeds, home maintenance, unfinished construction, etc. Others feel the City is too strict about code enforcement and that their property rights are being infringed upon. What is your take? Is the current level of code enforcement appropriate, or do we need stricter or looser code enforcement?
Question 8: Contractors vs City Employees
To save money, do you think City Hall should be staffed with as many contractors as possible and a minimal number of directly employed City employees?
Question 9: Beautify Lunada Bay
What is your position on the Beautify Lunada Bay Project?
Question 10: Homeless Shelters
PVE’s Housing Element required by Los Angeles County allows landlords in the Malaga Cove Plaza to convert their properties into homeless shelters if they wish. This has not happened to date. How worried are you that Plaza landlords will choose to convert their properties into homeless shelters in the future?
Question 11: Traffic Signal for Malaga Cove Intersection
Some get frustrated at the four-way intersection in front of the Malaga Cove Plaza due to traffic backups in rush hour periods. Would you attempt to do something about this if elected? Do you support installing a traffic signal in lieu of the current four-way stop at this busy intersection?
Question 12: Butcher-Solano Project
What is your position on the Butcher-Hill Solano Project?
Question 13: Maintaining Trails and Parklands
Some feel like the trails in our parkland need to be better maintained or even expanded. Others don’t like seeing people walking on the trails and advocate for less or only limited public access in parklands. Where do you stand when it comes to public access to parkland trails and the role of the City in maintaining trails and parklands?
Question 14: Trees versus Views
There is often conflict in the City between those who believe PVE’s urban forest of mature trees improves their property value and defines or contributes to neighborhood character, and those who believe that having a 180 degree unimpeded view is a right. Where do you see yourself – are you a tree person or a view person?
Question 15: “Mansionization”
Where do you stand on “mansionization”? The Deed Restrictions for PVE limit the height to 30 feet and square footage of a residential structure to the lesser of 50% of lot size or 30% of lot size plus 1750 square feet. At what point does a home that meets these constraints become a mansion and subject to additional limitations through the Neighborhood Compatibility ordinance?
Question 16: Beach Club Access -- Changes to Membership and Fees
Some in PVE want to see the City owned Beach Club expand membership in order to reduce the wait list and/or reduce day use fees to increase access for non-members. Others report that the Beach Club is already at full capacity and that such changes would reduce the quality of the Club experience for those current and future members and day-users. Since the City Council has the authority to determine both the number of memberships available and the amount of the day-use fees, what changes if any would you advocate for when it comes to the Beach Club?
Question 17: School Resource Officer at PV High School
Would you support the addition of a School Resource Officer to the High School in Palos Verdes Estates, which is apparently available and provided in Manhattan Beach and El Segundo?