“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth”
This page summarizes the key takeaways from Palos Verdes Estates City Council Meetings. If you’d like to be notified when new minutes are posted, please sign up to our mailing list, click here
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April 14, 2020 PVE City Council Meeting - by Teleconference
Please refer to PVE CC Agenda for 4/14/20 for more specifics and links to documents
Please click here for the video of the session
Please click here for the official Minutes of the meeting
Mayor McGowan thanked staff and public safety for their services and asked residents to bear with inconveniences during the pandemic.
Acting City Manager Rukavina provided an update on closures and police activity due to infractions of the new rules.
Assistant to the City Manager Bañales gave an update on City Hall staff who are working remotely as City Hall is closed.
Emergency Services Coordinator Herrera asked that residents who have not received South Bay alerts should go to AlertSouthBay.com to register. PVE Cares and many volunteers continue to provide services to seniors and the City has applied for FEMA reimbursements so the City can be reimbursed for pandemic related costs.
Interim Police Chief Dreiling expressed his pleasure at being appointed Interim Police Chief and reported that he has been commissioned to consider alternative staffing models and other cost savings options for the PD. He will conduct a study and develop a strategy for options to maximize policing while minimizing costs.
ITEMS # 1, 2, 4, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 7 were approved (Council Member Lozzi recused herself from 5.3); 5.1 was remanded to Parklands Committee.
VOTE: (5-0)
Council Member Davidson pulled #3 | Council Member Kao pulled #6 specifically, the Lunada Bay Pedestrian Access and Circulation Improvement plan (6.1).
#3: Resolution: Declaring Specific Construction Projects as an Essential Function
DISCUSSION: Council Member Davidson expressed concerns over residential construction activity with workers failing to observe social distancing or wear masks and not having the ability to wash their hands. Acting City Manager Rukavina said this resolution only applied to City projects.
VOTE: Approved (5-0)
#6: Traffic Safety Committee Recommendations
DISCUSSION: Council Member Kao agrees with the Committee’s recommendations as presented in 6.1 but would like to change the prioritization of the crosswalks to switch phases one and three.
VOTE: Approved (5-0)
The following residents addressed the City Council:
Arif Haji (Covid-19 related safety issues and the City’s preparedness)
Bob Wade (Discussed the value of having a dedicated PD especially during this pandemic)
Karen Logan (Covid-19 related thanks to City staff, local merchants and PVE PD)
Laura Agnew (Combo of local PD & good schools increase property values - Support for PVE PD)
Steven Burns (On behalf of PVE Neighborhood Watch)
Jim Roos (Thanks to City Staff and PVE PD; supports closings implemented by City)
Desiree Myers (Discussion of finances and budgeting shortfalls – we need to save our City)
#8: Accessory Dwelling Units
Report provided in response to Council directive on 3/20 for 1) more specific regulations regarding fire safety, 2) prohibiting an ADU or JADU from creating a new utility line and 3) proposal of an Urgency Ordinance (a temporary measure for 45 days until an ordinance can be approved).
A new California law that went into effect in January 2020 severely limits the scope of PVHA CC&Rs with respect to regulating ADUs or JADUs. Staff is investigating all possible avenues of control over the process. ADUs and JADUs can be restricted in very high fire zones; however, they cannot be restricted across the entire City. All streets were analyzed to determine where restrictions could be put in place. Based on the result of that analysis, about 13% of the lots in the City (695) could be restricted from building ADUs or JADUs due to fire risks created by dead end streets or where tight turns would restrict fire engine access. The analysis was done by City staff with support from the Fire Department.
Currently three ADU applications are being reviewed; there were an additional nine inquiries about ADUs/JADUs, but the residents did not follow up with applications at this time.
VOTE: Approved Urgency Ordinance No. 020-744U (5-0)
#9: Discussion of Pension & Police Operational Revie Ad Hoc Committee Activities
Neil Stewart (Addressed pension issues, CalPERS debt, potential increased taxes and potential need to sell Parkland)
Cheryl -last name not identifiable - (Praised service of PVE PD)
Rose Ramsey (Asked for action to address financial issues of the City)
Desiree Myers (Asked for progress on scope of Police Ad Hoc Committee’s work)
Philip Solomida (Shared a positive experience with the PVE PD related to an intruder)
Council Member Kao reported on the Police Ad Hoc Committee. The committee had a virtual meeting in early April which included the former Chief of Manhattan Beach PD, a PVE resident who spent his entire life with the LAPD, and Interim Chief Dreiling. They discussed direction for Chief: 1) to look at operational efficiencies, 2) to collect KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and 3) to talk to neighboring PDs especially with regard to dispatch and jail. In addition, Mayor McGowan discussed milestones and timelines with Interim Chief Dreiling who acknowledged that updating City Council was a priority for him as well.
Council Member Kemps reported on the Pension Ad Hoc Committee. The committee is close to wrapping up the report in the next couple of weeks. He noted that Pension and Police issues are closely related and that collaboration among all stakeholders in our special City is necessary if we are going to solve our financial problems.
#10: Discussion of Modifying the PVE Schedule of Fees and Charges for Fiscal Year 2020-2021
STAFF REPORT: Acting City Manager Rukavina says staff is looking at a 3.4% cost of living increase (CPI) and fees for costs not recovered under our existing fee structure. Staff is asking City Council to schedule a discussion of this topic for a future hearing and for a concurrence on proposed fees. Council Member Lozzi expressed concerns about increasing fees at this time and the percentage increase recommended. Mayor McGowan asked staff to make sure that whatever percentages/additional fees proposed would cover the costs incurred by the City.
VOTE: Approved: To bring the Schedule of Fees back for adoption at a later City Council Meeting (5-0)
Interim Chief Dreiling reported on filling five of eight sworn police officer vacancies. Several vacancies still need to be filled (including dispatch).
Council Member Lozzi again expressed concern about the budget process. She also would like to move forward on committees for the next fiscal year as decisions need to be made soon.
Council Member Davidson addressed the COVID-19 closures and thanked staff and police for their continued work during the pandemic. He also remarked on the increased participation of residents in City Council Meetings since they have been held remotely.
Council Member Kao thanked Tomatillo Mexican Grill for its donation of face masks to the Police Department. He also reported on Congressman Ted Lieu’s Town Hall Meeting, which he attended along with the PV Chamber of Commerce. The federal stimulus package for small business loans was discussed. He noted that our concessions (501-C7) were barred from obtaining loans under this legislation.
Mayor Pro Tem Kemps echoed Council Member Lozzi’s concern about the budget, thanked the PD, Fire Department and staff for their work.
Desiree Myers (Discussed PVEPD, asked about a timeline and thanked Interim Chief Dreiling for his service)