“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves
The Election for PVHA Board of Directors was held at the PVHA Annual Meeting on January 9, 2024
The Palos Verdes Homes Association (PVHA) was established in 1923 to serve the members of Palos Verdes Estates (PVE) and Miraleste, a community within Rancho Palos Verdes (RPV).
Currently, the PVHA represents 5,420 members and operates separately from the City of PVE and RPV. If you are a property owner within PVE or Miraleste, you are a member of the PVHA.
The PVHA is responsible for protecting Community Covenants & Restrictions (CC&Rs), Bylaws, and Deed Restrictions. And through the direction of its Art Jury (governed under a separate Board), the PVHA also maintains the “architectural integrity and building aesthetics” of PVHA properties through interpreting PVHA CC&Rs, Deed Restrictions, subsequent Resolutions, and interpretation of current Law.
Each year, the PVHA holds its Annual Member Meeting on the second Tuesday of January, to provide annual review & future goals, an operations review, and to announce the election results of PVHA Board members.
Preparation is already underway for the 98th PVHA Annual Member Meeting scheduled for January 9, 2024. And in support of the upcoming 2024 PVHA Board election, ballots and voting instructions were sent on December 4th from Iowa to each PVHA member and are expected to arrive in Palos Verdes on December 11th or 12th .
There are eight (8) candidates running for the 2024 PVHA Board to fill all five (5) open seats:
Voting must be completed no later than January 3, 2024 by 4:30 pm PST (ballots have to be received by the voting vendor, either online or at the CT office address on the return envelope) in order to qualify for the election and to determine if a quorum has been achieved (when 50% (+1) of PVHA member ballots are returned and validated).
If a quorum is met, then the five (5) Board candidates with the highest votes will be elected to serve on the PVHA Board for terms ranging from 1 to 3 years.
If a quorum is not met, then per the PVHA Bylaws, the current PVHA Board must appoint members to serve on the Board until the next PVHA annual election occurs in January 2025.
It is probably worth noting that the last time that a quorum was met was in 2009, and since 2010, PVHA Board members have had to be continuously appointed.
However, given the rapid number of newly created State Laws being passed that are increasing zoning density and threatening to override our CC&Rs and Deed Restrictions, it is now more important than ever for members to elect five (5) PVHA Board members who will best serve our community.
If you are a PVHA member and did not receive a ballot soon after the mailing, please be sure to contact the voting vendor at (877) 324-7655. Election help becomes available between December 7, 2023 – January 3, 2024 should you need any further assistance.
At the Annual Meeting on January 9th, you canr on Zoom. Please see the PVHA.org website for details. Make sure you have registered for member access prior to the meeting (before the office closes on 12/22/23).
Candidate Forum Video
A PVHA public forum for the 2024 Board of Directors occurred at the Malaga Cove Library on December 4, 2023. PVHA videotaped the event and it can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/m2-JAdrUftk
Mahmoud Farzaneh (incumbent)
Mr. Farzaneh did not respond to PVrrg’s request for a photo, bio and positioning statement
Keith Geiger (incumbent)
Mr. Geiger did not respond to PVrrg’s request for a photo, bio and positioning statement
Greg Jones (candidate)
We are extremely fortunate to be living in a community that offers such a unique bucolic character (supported by CC&Rs, Bylaws, and Deed Restrictions) that need to remain protected. If elected (or appointed), I pledge to serve PVHA members and to work collaboratively with the PVHA Board and the PVE City Council to focus my attention on the following three (3) areas:
1. Promoting the need to maintain local Land Use control (instead of having them mandated to us by the State)
The State recently approved several new Land Use Bills that mandate increased zoning densities throughout the State, that also supersede some of our PVHA CC&Rs:
ADUs Accessory Dwelling Units (State mandate)
SB9 and SB10 allows zoning density of single family home lots to be increased up to 4 and 10 units, respectively (State mandate)
Housing Element Plan (AB 215) requires Cities to identify lots with increased zoning density that are intended for affordable housing (State mandate)
Workforce Housing (AB 2295) allows school site properties to be rezoned to higher density and used primarily for local educational workforce housing purposes (however due to existing Deed Restrictions between the PVHA/PVUSD, approvals are also required by: the majority of the PVE School District Board; a majority of PVHA living within 300 feet of any potential effected area; and a majority of the PVHA Board)
“Counties, Cities, and Home Associations located throughout the State are banding together with “Our Neighborhood Voices” to support a Statewide initiative being placed on the ballot in 2024 (or 2026) to overturn these and other State mandates aimed at building low-income high-density housing developments in our existing neighborhoods”
2. Protecting our PVHA CC&Rs, Bylaws, and Deed Restriction
PVHA CC&Rs, together with the underlying Bylaws and Deed Restrictions, apply to all PVE and Miraleste, RPV property owners.
CC&Rs (Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions) are contractual agreements that establish rules, restrictions, and obligations for property owners. They aim to protect property values and the rights and interests of homeowners.
Bylaws dictate how a Homeowners Association should run in order to govern the day-to-day operations.
Deed Restrictions (sometimes referred to as Restrictive Covenants) are agreements that limit or prohibit certain activities typically involving property uses, maintenance, and appearance.
“Our CC&Rs, Bylaws, and Deed Restrictions (many dating back to the 1920’s) provide the legal framework and operating principles for our PVHA that need to remain Protected”.
3. Improving Community Outreach/Transparency, Communications and Operational Efficiency
Improving Community Outreach/ Transparency, by increasing community awareness of relevant information already residing on the PVHA website and ensuring that access to data & information that can be publicly-released to our members is readily available for Transparency.
Improving Communications, including a balance of updated reporting using interpersonal communications, emails, websites, and mailers/fliers for those that do not use or have access to personal computers or smart phones.
Improving Operational Efficiency, to include:
Digitization and electronic archiving of PVHA records
Cleaning up the language in our Bylaws that are no longer applicable to the PVHA (i.e., removing irrelevant language in the Bylaws relating to PVHA responsibilities and authorities that were transferred long ago from the PVHA to the PVE City) and seek member approval
Providing better clarity, understanding, and consistency of PVHA Art Jury reviews and approvals
Improving streamlining & synchronization between the PVHA Art Jury and the PVE City
Seeking additional feedback from the majority of our PVHA members and the Board to determine if the majority of PVHA members support pursuing a legal remedy to: Reduce the PVHA annual election quorum threshold; extend the voting period if the quorum has not been met to allow more time for votes to be submitted; Seek to move the calendar for holding PVHA elections so they do not overlap with the December holiday season; Conduct at least 3 mailings of ballots each year in the 4-month period before the election, unless a quorum is achieved after 1 or 2 mailings
Allowing for voting by written proxies
Applying for State and County Grants and seek additional support from community volunteers to help accelerate these and other needed efficiency improvements
“Additional resources will be necessary to support all of these initiatives”
I grew up in Southern CA (a resident of Southern CA for over 40-years) and my wife and I moved to PVE nearly 6-years ago to permanently settle. We have three children, and we spend an increasing amount of our time volunteering throughout the community:
Professional Experience: Prior to my “retirement” in July 2023, my professional career in the aerospace & defense industry spanned nearly 40-years, primarily serving as a corporate executive (officer and SVP/VP) leading strategy & business development, corporate strategy & development (mergers & acquisitions), long-range strategic planning, technology planning & development, and international programs for McDonnell Douglas/ Boeing, Orbital Sciences/ Orbital ATK, and Aerojet Rocketdyne. Throughout this timeframe, I also served as a corporate member/ Vice President/ Chairperson on national aerospace industry association boards, councils & committees. I received a BS degree in Aerospace Engineering from San Diego State University and an MBA degree from Pepperdine University.
Community Service: As a community volunteer, I was elected and served for 6-years on the Board of a Homeowners Association (HOA) as President and President-elect for a newly developed 200-acre single family home residential community after being relocated to the east coast. My primary responsibilities were to protect and ensure compliance with HOA CC&Rs, Bylaws, and Deed Restrictions, while working together with other members of the Board to stand-up an architectural review board (similar to PVHA’s Art Jury), an open space committee, a safety committee, and contract for various HOA services (legal, financial, refuge, landscaping maintenance, etc.). In addition, I was appointed to serve on the County’s Transportation Advisory Committee to address growing concerns related to traffic congestion and roadway corridor expansion near existing residential communities and to protect against encroachment into designated Open Space.
More recently, I worked closely and collaboratively with other leaders in the PVE community to better understand and inform residents and the PVE City Council about ongoing issues & concerns related to the “Roundabout” (resulting in a Petition signed by over 850 PVE residents) which contributed to the project becoming abandoned in favor of the more reasonable improvements now being considered for the PVDW Transportation Corridor. In addition, in 2023 I was invited to serve as a Steering Committee member on the Palos Verdes Residents for Responsible Government (PVrrg), a group of highly committed citizens who advocate for the values and philosophy that we would like to see from our elected representatives and to help identify and resolve important issues confronting PVE.
“I would be honored to receive Your Vote and to Serve as Your Representative
on the PVHA Board of Directors”
My website: GregJones4PVHA.com
and/or contact me at: GregJones4PVHA@gmail.com.
ChiaJu Ling (candidate)
Like some of the other candidates it bothers me that the PVHA doesn’t abide by the results of elections. Where I am from in Taiwan democracy is very important and I find it confusing why our homes association is run the way it is. It should be more democratic and open. I also want to protect our city and high density housing worries me.
I was born in Taiwan but came to the US for College. I have Masters degree in Actuarial Science from Boston University. After Grad School I worked at various Actuarial Consulting firms & Health Plans in New York and Los Angeles. I’m very good at solving Mathematical problems and help clients administer and save money on their employee benefits plans. I moved to the Los Angeles area in 2014 after my husband and I got married. We moved to Palos Verdes Estates in 2021 after our two daughters were born.
My Website: https://brian4pvha.com
Christine McNamara (incumbent)
Ms. McNamara did not supply PVrrg’s with a photo, bio or positioning statement, and instead asked us to refer to the PVHA website
Stephen O’Neil (incumbent)
Mr. O’Neil did not respond to PVrrg’s request for a photo, bio and positioning statement
Brian Pressman (candidate)
After attending more PVHA meetings in the past year than any other member I have became disappointed with how the PVHA is run. The board self-selects itself and has made several decisions that I feel are wrong and not in the best interests of members:
The PVHA board uses a quorum rule as an excuse to throw out ballots and self-appoint themselves. This makes the board unaccountable to members.
The current PVHA board has been marked by instability and turnover. In the past 3 years 7 board members and two company lawyers have resigned or left the organization. This revolving door deprives the PVHA of stable leadership.
The PVHA has unnecessarily increased fees on members 3 times in the past few years while wasting thousands of dollars on unnecessary legal expenses.
Key decisions are made without doing proper measurement and data analysis.Our Art Jury approval process is not as efficient as it could be. It wastes member time and money and should be streamlined and made more transparent.
The current board has signed several no-bid contracts with vendors which increases costs.
The PVHA refuses to allow members access to Association documents that every member is entitled to inspect under both California Law and our original Bylaws. The board also does not openly engage with members in live Q/A during meetings.
Lack of effort to preserve the original CC&Rs. The PVHA should be playing a leading role in fighting the state interference on housing issues.
Originally from the Boston area I graduated from Boston College with a degree in Economics and Chinese later becoming a translator in China before getting my MBA from the University of Hawaii. In 2005 I became a Portfolio Manager at a $300M Honolulu/Singapore based Hedge Fund. In 2011 I shifted my career to Marketing Analytics and currently work as an Executive Director of Marketing Science at OMD- the largest Media Agency in the world. Companies I’ve worked with include Microsoft, Mattel, Nissan, Wells Fargo, Vans, REI, Bosch, and Carnival Cruise Line. Every day I use Data, Measurement, and Analytics to help my clients make better business decisions. I’ve lived in Palos Verdes Estates since 2021 with my wife Darian and two daughters Brady (6) and Tomi (21 months).
My website: https://brian4pvha.com/
Kim Rhodes (candidate)
I am running for the PVHA Board on a platform of change for all the reasons outlined here: http://www.pvegoodgov.org/ I am grateful for the proactive efforts of Members who have worked to right the wrongs of the past at PVHA and created this website. Unfortunately due to an inconceivable action by judge Kwon in the quorum litigation in 2020 - who failed to approve a settlement agreed to by all parties to lower the quorum - PVHA has now reverted to despicable past practices. The indefensible cycle of self-appointment of Board members continues undeterred despite years of hard work and multiple litigations launched by concerned Members. There have been no changes to PVHA elections or the insular practices of the Art Jury. The PVHA does not represent its Members, although that was the clear and uncontroverted intent of the foundational documents that created PVHA. My priorities include:
Increased transparency - all PVHA board meetings should be open to members just as the Articles of Incorporation state. All documents and records should be open to member inspection.
Open Participation by Members who should be allowed to comment and participate in meetings and propose agenda items.
Implementation of measures to make design review and approval more streamlined, more interactive, more transparent and more consistent.
Review and revision of entire Art Jury process and implementation of measures to reduce or eliminate self-dealing by Art Jury members.
View protection for Members, including a fair and reasonable process for mediating disputes among Members.
Discontinuation of prior practices involving incurring legal fees to fight justified Member challenges such as: sale of Parklands, refusal to release records to Members, Quorum reduction
Reduction or removal of the quorum and immediate commencement of truly open elections. Board members should not be able to appoint themselves. At a minimum adopt the following practices immediately: Electronic ballots, mailing options, option to vote at PVHA offices, creation of a drop box for ballots, collecting ballots at the annual meeting. Adjourn annual meeting day-to-day as provided for under the ByLaws to until a quorum is reached. Allow Proxy votes. Enforce PVHA petition rules, have petitions certified by an unbiased third party, allow petitions to be inspected by Members. Advocate for lowering of quorum. Counting the votes regardless of whether a quorum is reached and implementing the vote by appointing the Members who receive the most votes.
In terms of community presence and engagement, PVHA can and should be a positive influence in our neighborhoods. Rather than solely a rules enforcement or dispute resolution organization, PVHA can do things like forming a welcome committee for new Members, hosting a celebratory annual gathering for Members, partnering with neighborhood associations to support their social engagement efforts, supporting beautification and gardening groups in our community and more.
The 100 year anniversary of the establishment of PVE is a perfect time to reassess, re-energize, revamp and renew PVHA to serve our community for another 100 years in a responsible, positive and collaborative way!
Kim Rhodes is the mother of 4, and has owned a home in Palos Verdes Estates (PVE) in 2017. She shares your love for the PVE community and is committed to making positive contributions as a neighbor.
Professional Background: Currently, Kim is a Director in the Career Office at Loyola Marymount University where her son is a student. She leads the employer relations team and teaches a first year orientation course. Kim has spent most of her career as a corporate executive, board secretary and attorney in tech, fintech and health services for global enterprises (IBM, SAP, Citibank, Walgreens) and high growth start-up businesses. She has published peer-reviewed law journal articles on emerging technology, privacy and security topics. Kim earned a BA from the University of Pennsylvania and JD from Villanova University School of Law.
Volunteer Leadership: An advocate for civic engagement, Kim is the founder and board chair of a national nonprofit benefiting cancer research. In the PVE community, Kim served as a volunteer member of the Palos Verdes Homeowners Associations (PVHA) Elections Committee in 2020 and the City of PVE Parklands Committee from 2020-2022. She is also a PVPUSD parent who was class parent at Lunada Bay Elementary and a Board member and Secretary to the PVIS Booster Club 2020-2023.
My Website: https://brian4pvha.com/brian-kim-and-chiaju
Q&A with the candidates
For additional information about the individual candidate positions, please go to https://www.preservepve.org/pvha
PVHA in Breach of 2019 Settlement Agreement on Voting Procedures
It has been brought to our attention that the current PVHA Board has made changes to their election process that make it harder to vote, and these changes violate certain conditions that the PVHA agreed to in a 2019 Settlement of two lawsuits. The plaintiffs in those lawsuits sent a notice of breach on December 19, 2023 to the PVHA Board detailing the areas of breach that need to be remedied. It is possible that this may lead to the election being extended beyond January 3, but we encourage you to vote now since that is only speculation at this point. But if you’d like more information, the breach notice is here, and the full signed Settlement Agreement is here.
Palos Verdes Residents for Responsible Government (PVrrg) Advocacy Position
Palos Verdes Residents for Responsible Government (PVrrg) believes that an informed electorate is the key to effective democracy. All five Board of Directors Seats for the Palos Verdes Homes Association are being contested. PVHA reports that four candidates collected at least 25 signatures of PVHA members, including four incumbents. Because the 50% +1 quorum requirement has not been met since 2009, PVHA has not had a valid election since 2009. Thus all current members of the Board have been appointed by the Board, and never elected. PVrrg is supportive of this ballot initiative in order to allow PVHA to act as a democracy; however, PVrrg takes no position on supporting individual candidates.
PVrrg as a group does not endorse any candidates, although some of our members may do so as individuals.